1. Select an application method.
Tray immersion: Submerge item in Nile Red solution.
Spray application: Evenly spray Nile Red solution with a squirt bottle onto the item.
2. Allow item to air dry.
3. Ridges will develop a reddish pink color (orange fluorescence) and can be captured using 1:1 photography.
4. View ridge detail using a laser or forensic light source in the 450 – 560nm using orange or red colored goggles.
4. Capture ridge detail using 1:1 photography and an orange or 550 (BP 35) bandpass barrier filter.
PRO TIP: To reduce excessive staining, the item may be rinsed with a methanol solution.
Chesapeake Bay Division International Association of Identification. (2009). “Nile Red”. Retrieved from https://www.cbdiai.org/nile-red.html