Forensic Pocket Guide



DISCLAIMER: Although Luminol has been used to help detect trace amounts of blood, a positive reaction may also indicate the presence of fibrous foods, paints or varnishes, and some chemical products.

1. Prepare by darkening the room where the item or surface is located, setup photography equipment, and mix a new working solution as directed before each use. 

2. Apply Luminol to the item or surface. 

Spray application: Lightly spray area with premixed solution (finer is mist preferred). 

3. The presumptive positive chemiluminescent reaction is indicated by a glowing blue color lasting ~30 seconds, and therefore must be photographically documented quickly.

4. Capture presumptive positive reactions using low-light photography.

Flashlight Icon White - Freepik

View under

Full Darkness

Safety Goggles Black

Goggles / Filter


Magnifying Glass with Fingerprint Black

Development Color

Bright Blue


Bluestar Forensics. (2008). Bluestar False Positives Study Report. Retrieved from