Forensic Pocket Guide



Inside or outside location?

Shade or full sun? 

Canopy over body?

Direction of body?


Presence of insects (life stages and distribution)

Area surrounding body

*Death Scene Form

Overall/mid-range/close-up of exterior/interior of scene

Overall/mid-range/close-up of areas of insect activity and specific insects present


Ambient Temperature (State climatologist or Regional Climate Data,

Above body surface

Body surface (radiant temperature)

Maggot mass temperature 

Ground-body interface (under body) temperature

Soil surface temperature

Sub-soil temperature (~5in below soil surface)

Adult collection – flying over body, sweep net collections, preserve ALL adults (80% ETOH)

Immature collection – collect with soft-tip forceps in open wounds, head/orifices, at ground line (from mass, 50-60 from each colonized area) 

  • Preserved sample (KAA, 10% Kerosene, 10% acetic acid, 80% ETOH)
  • Living sample (soup cup & beef liver)

Pupae collection (under objects within 10 meters)

NOTE: Collect before moving body

Provide details (location, date/time, case #, sample #, collector)

Collect and label separately

Inside label (heavy-bond, non-adhesive paper) and outside label (adhesive)

Take details photographs of insects collected.


Byrd, Jason & Tomberlin, Jeffery (2019). Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations. Taylor & Francis.

Dutelle, Aric (2020). An Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation.  Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Fish, Jacqueline et al (2014).  Crime Scene Investigation.  Routledge.

Fisher, Barry & Fisher, David (2012). Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation.  CRC Press.

Gardner, Ross & Krouskup, Donna (2018).  Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation, Third Edition.  CRC Press.

Gennard, Dorothy (2012). Forensic Entomology. Wiley-Blackwell.

Maloney, Michael & Housman, Donald (2014).  Crime Scene Investigation Procedural Guide.  CRC Press.

Ramirez, Christine & Parish-Fisher, Casie (2011). Crime Scene Processing and Investigation. CRC Press.

Standard Guide for Crime Scene Photography. OSAC Video/Imaging Technology & Analysis Subcommittee (2020, June). Retrieved August 15, 2021 from OSAC Site.