1. Select an application method.
Tray immersion: Submerge item into a tray of Ardrox and leave for 5 seconds.
Squirt bottle: Evenly apply Ardrox to item with squirt bottle and leave for 5 seconds.
2. Rinse with water via squirt bottle or gently running stream of water.
3. Ridges will develop a yellow color and can be captured using 1:1 photography.
4. View ridge detail using a UV lamp in the 280 – 365nm range along with UV protection googles, or using a forensic light source in the 435 – 480nm range with yellow googles.
5. Capture ridge detail using 1:1 photography and a 2-A haze, yellow colored or 515 (BP 35) bandpass filter.
DEA Office of Forensic Sciences. (2020). “Ardrox (Fluorescent Dye)”. Retrieved from https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-05/2020%20Latent%20Print%20Examination%20Manual%20DEA.pdf
Sirchie. (2011). Technical Information: Ardrox Fluorescent Enhancement Dye. Retrieved from https://www.sirchie.com/media/resourcecenter/item/l/v/lvs600-lvs700_ti02-71eng-rev6e_1.pdf
Trozzi, T. A. et al. (2000). “Ardrox (Fluorescent Dye)”. Processing Guide for Developing Latent Prints. Office of Indigent Defense Services. U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory Division. https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/about-us/lab/forensic-science-communications/fsc/jan2001/lpu.pdf