1. Combine 200mL of Ardrox, 400mL of Liqui-Nox, and 400mL of distilled water. Mix until the solution has a thick, milky-yellow consistency.
2. Using a camel hair brush, apply Liqui-Drox onto both sides of the tape until a lather is produced.
3. Leave for 10 seconds.
4. Rinse under a gentle stream of cold tap water until Liqui-Drox is no longer visible.
5. Allow tape to air dry.
6. View ridge detail using a forensic light source or UV lamp under a long-wave UV light (365nm) with UV protection goggles. (NOTE: Extended periods of exposure to UV light may cause the ridge details to fade.)
7. Capture ridge detail using 1:1 photography and an UV blocking 2A filter. Photographic documentation must completed before ridge detail begins to fade within 12 hours.
PRO TIP: Over time, the Liqui-Drox solution will become clear. Be sure to stir the solution until it becomes a milky-yellow color before resuming use.
FBI Laboratory Division. (2000). “Liqui-Drox”, Processing Guide for Developing Latent Prints, pp. 51. Retrieved from https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/about-us/lab/forensic-science-communications/fsc/jan2001/lpu.pdf
Rees, A. S. and R. L. Schwartz. (2003). The Effectiveness of Liqui-Drox and a Comparison to Other Adhesive-Side Processes on a Variety of Tapes. Forensic Science Communications, 5 (1). Retrieved from https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/about-us/lab/forensic-science-communications/fsc/jan2003/schwartz.htm