Forensic Pocket Guide


1,2 Indanedione

1. Select an application method.

Tray immersion: Submerge item in 1,2-indanedione.

Spray application: Evenly spray 1,2-indanedione with a squirt bottle onto the item, working from left to right and top to bottom, until the item is saturated.

2. Allow item to air dry for 3 minutes.

3. Heat item at 100°C and 60% relative humidity in a heating chamber for 10 – 20 minutes.

4. Ridges will develop a light pink color (yellow fluorescence) and can be captured using 1:1 photography. 

5. View ridge detail on manila envelopes, brown paper bags, cardboard items, and craft paper using a forensic light source in the 515 – 570nm range with orange or red goggles. View ridge detail on all other paper items using a forensic light source in the 515nm range with orange goggles.

6. Further enhancement of the developed ridge detail can be conducted by treating the item with Zinc Chloride and cooling with liquid nitrogen.  View Zinc Chloride treated prints using a forensic light source at 520nm with orange goggles.

7. Capture ridge detail with 1:1 photography using an orange colored or 550 (BP 35) bandpass filter.

Flashlight Icon White - Freepik

View under

515 - 570nm

Safety Goggles Black

Goggles / Filter

Orange / Red

Magnifying Glass with Fingerprint Black

Development Color

Pink (Yellow)

FPG logo 5

PRO TIP: Exposure to intense light or sunlight may cause the fluorescence to fade on treated items. Be sure to store treated items in a dark, cool, dry location until all proper documentation has been performed.


Chesapeake Bay Division International Association of Identification. (2009). “Reagents: 1,2-Indanedione”. Retrieved from

Sirchie. (2014). Technical Information 1,2-Indanedione. Retrieved  from